Python Debugging

Based on materials contributed by Anthony Scopatz and Patrick Fuller

Exercise: What is debugging?

Before I show you the practice (ahem, art) of debugging, separate out into groups of 2-3 people. Follow these steps:

  1. Come up with a definition of debugging.
  2. Write it down on a strip of paper.
  3. Give me the strip of paper.
  4. ???
  5. Profit.

(Bonus Challenge: Make a new friend!)

Time limit: 5 min.

Why does debugging matter?

Unless you're perfect, you are bound to make errors. Especially early on, expect to spend much more time debugging than actually coding. The process fits the Pareto principle - you're going to spend ~20% of your time writing ~80% of your code, and the other ~80% of your time will be spent screaming obscenities at your computer (I think that's what the Pareto principle says, anyway). Remember to keep calm, and LEARN from your mistakes.

Debugging 101: exceptions, errors, and tracebacks

When your code errors, Python will stop and return an exception that attempts to tell you what's up. There are ~165 exceptions in the Python standard library, and you'll be seeing many of them very soon. Exceptions to befriend include:

SyntaxError # You're probably missing a parenthesis or colon
NameError   # There's probably a variable name typo somewhere
TypeError   # You're doing something with incompatible variable types
ValueError  # You're calling a function with the wrong parameter
IOError     # You're trying to use a file that doesn't exist
IndexError  # You're trying to reference a list element that doesn't exist
KeyError    # Similar to an IndexError, but for dictionaries
Exception   # This means "an error of any type" - hopefully you don't see it often

When code returns an exception, we say that the exception was thrown or raised. These exceptions may be handled or caught by the code. Speaking of, you can handle exceptions in Python like so:

    a = 1.0 / 0.0
except ZeroDivisionError:
    print "Going from zero to hero."
    a = 1.0

That being said, there are some things you should keep in mind. * Exception handling in your own code should be seen as a last resort. Never use exception handling where another approach would work just as well. * If you have to handle exceptions, be specific in their type. Writing a blanket except Exception line provides a place for unintended bugs to hide.

When an exception is printed, it often comes with something called a traceback. This is Python's attempt to tell you where the code errored. It will look like gibberish for a while, but that impression will go away with time.

So, when your code errors, Python tells you 1. why it errored and 2. where it errored. "Isn't that enough to debug?", you might ask. Well, yeah. It is. But, if you debug only by running your code, you're going to be spending a lot more time in the screaming-obscenities-at-your-computer portion of coding. Every tool discussed below doesn't add much in terms of functionality (they're still just pointing out errors), but they all help in decreasing debugging time.

Linting: catching the stupid errors

As I said before, you can debug by simply attempting to run your code. This, however, is very annoying. First off, the code will always stop at the first exception. This means that, if you have ten errors, you'll have to run the code ten times to find all of them. Now, imagine that this is long-running code. Imagine waiting five minutes for your code to run, only to discover it breaks because of a typo. Doesn't that sound terrible?

Enter linting. "Linting" is the process of discovering errors in a code (typically typos and syntax errors --- i.e., the dumb stuff) before the code is ever run or compiled. In Python, this can be accomplished through using the pyflakes library. It works by statically analyzing your code without running it. This means that it can find multiple errors at once, rather than stopping at the first exception.

You can run pyflakes on your code by typing


We can take this a step further with integrated development environments, or IDEs. IDEs are (basically) glorified text editors that dynamically lint, showing you typos as you write your code. You will find that coders generally have strong opinions on the use of IDEs, either positive or negative. Regardless, if you want to play around with one, I recommend Eclipse with the PyDev plugin.

Coding standards: the details matter!

The one skill that separates bad programmers from good programmers is attention to detail.

Zed Shaw, Learn Python the Hard Way

In a written natural language, there are many ways to express the same idea. To make the consumption of information easier, people define style guides to enforce particularly effective ways of writing. This is even more true in coding; consistent style choices make scripts much easier to read. They become absolutely essential as projects become large (>1 person).

Some programming languages (*cough* Java) have multiple competing standards, and it's easy to imagine how messy this can get. Luckily, Python doesn't have this issue. The official standard, PEP8, is used everywhere. Unless you plan on hiding all the code you write from the outside world, you should learn it.

To help out coders, there are tools to test for compliance. The aptly named pep8 library shows you where your code deviates from the PEP8 standard, and autopep8 goes a step further by trying to fix all of your errors for you. These are both run from the shell, as

autopep8 >

These libraries won't always pick up everything, sadly. Furthermore, due to the desire to maintain backward compatibility, there is some wiggle room in PEP8 (see this powerpoint of Python regrets, made by the creator of the language). Here are some additional rules to remember:

PEP8 conventions missed by the pep8 checker

  • Variables and functions should be named in snake_case. No capital letters. Classes are named in UpperCamelCase.
  • Multiline comments use """, not '''.
  • Private methods and variables should be prefixed with an underscore, ie. _my_private_method()

Special rules outside of PEP8

  • Never use tabs. Ever.
  • Use list comprehensions over map(), reduce(), and filter().
  • Avoid iterating through lists by index whenever possible.
  • Lambda functions should not be saved to a variable.

These rules might seem random (probably because they are), but, trust me: they make collaborative coding so much easier.

Debuggers: for the deep-rooted errors

Linting will only catch the really obvious errors. For more complex issues, (ie. bugs), you're going to want to follow the code's logic line by line. One lazy way to do this is to put print statements everywhere, which allows you to view variables over time. However, this gets messy quickly, and you lose control of what variables you can see once you start executing.

This is where the Python DeBugger, or pdb, comes into play. With it, you can step through your code and watch as variables are changed.

All you have to do to use this is import the pdb module and call the set_trace() method.

import pdb

# [ ... ]
# Your code here
# [ ... ]


Now, when you run the code, it will stop at whatever line you put set_trace(). You'll be prompted to give a command. Some common commands include:

  • continue continues on to the next time a set_trace() line is hit
  • print \*variable\* prints the current value of a specified variable
  • list shows the source code around the set_trace() line
  • args prints the values of all the arguments in the current function

There are a lot more options, which can be found here, but these few should be enough to get you running with pdb.

Profiling: making code fast

So, you've found your errors, those deep-rooted bugs, and even standardized your code to conform to PEP8. But, for some reason, it's still really slow. What can we do about this?

The first idea you might have is to time your code. Analogous to the print statement debugging above, you could write some logic to print run times at various points in your script.

from time import time

t0 = time()
# run your code
print time() - t0

You can also time your entire script with:

time python

While these both work, they're either too messy or not detailed enough. What we really want is a breakdown of how long the computer spends running each part of our code.

Profilers provide a way to do just this. With Python, run your script in a shell with this command

python -m cProfile -s time

This returns the amount of functions called in the execution, along with a breakdown of the time each function took. The -s time part sorts the output by the time taken (which is usually what you care about). A sample output looks like:

2530004 function calls in 0.789 seconds
Ordered by: internal time

 ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
1980000    0.253    0.000    0.253    0.000<genexpr>)
  10000    0.190    0.000    0.780    0.000
 220000    0.182    0.000    0.436    0.000 {sum}
 270000    0.150    0.000    0.150    0.000
      1    0.009    0.009    0.789    0.789
  50000    0.004    0.000    0.004    0.000 {method 'add' of 'set' objects}
      1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {range}

With this information, you can go back into your code and adjust the logic to improve the speed bottlenecks.

Segfaults: the scourge of C

Segmentation faults, abbreviated segfaults, are the worst debug errors in existence. Segfaults occur when the program tries to access a part of memory that it expects to be able to get to, and for whatever reason it is not available. Because of this, segfaults only occur at runtime, so many tools won't even catch it. To make it worse, a code with a segfault will return the most useless error in the history of errors:

Segmentation fault

There's no traceback, and no explanation at all. Nothing.

Luckily, Python (generally) handles the memory issues that could cause a segfault. Unluckily, many Python scripts interface with lower-level libraries; these can segfault for, like, no reason.

If you happen upon a segfault in Python, you have two courses of action. If the segfault is rare and affects a nonvital part of the code, then you can wrap it in a standard Python exception and handle it in a regular manner. For this, the faulthandler library is useful. If, however, you absolutely need the function, you're going to have to dive into the C code and fix it yourself.

The tool you'll need to use is valgrind, which is a debugger + profiler + memory leak checker for compiled C code. It's so important in C that tutorials in the language often include it within the first few lessons.

To use it, first compile the code of interest

g++ -o myCode

Then, run the compiled code through valgrind

valgrind ./myCode

Valgrind has a lot of features, each of which can be toggled in the command-line call, but that's beyond the scope of this tutorial. Keep in mind that these things exist, and, if you ever find yourself reading through some C, do yourself a favor and go through a tutorial on all of this. I recommend Learn C the Hard Way, but feel free to use whatever works.

In conclusion

If you're new to coding, your head's probably already spinning with entirely too much new information. That's okay. Remember that everything in this tutorial is supplemental in nature; learning how to code is much more important than knowing the tools that can help you code faster. However, keep in mind that these tools all exist, and make it a goal to eventually come back here and re-learn them with a clear mind.

If you're an experienced coder, these tools are exactly what you need to up your game. Debuggers, profilers, and linters all save you valuable time, and the PEP8 checker will really help in collaborative projects. Get used to them, and the time investment will pay off.